I know what you must be thinking. Brussels sprouts? Really? Yes. Really. And before you judge, these are not your typical brussels. I was not one of those kids that grew up in a household where I was forced to eat brussels sprouts. Not that we didn’t have veggies at my family dinner table, but I just don’t remember having this veggie until high school when my mom made a…
It seems like this summer has been filled with an abundance of peaches and squash (zucchini is included in that group, and we are talking about the summer varieties today) so far. Things on the menu at my house/apartment lately have included grilled chicken with peaches, peach ice cream, and peach-blackberry cobbler. I’ve made Homesick Texan’s summer squash enchiladas, simple sauteed squash, and Smitten Kitchen’s zucchini & ricotta galette. And…