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Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Wow. Talk about a heat wave in DC. With temperatures over 100 and the humidity at a very high percentage (as a curly-haired girl, I can always tell when the humidity is high by the frizz level of my hair), I feel like I am melting…literally. The short three block walk to the Metro this morning was close to unbearable. I think stifling would be a good adjective to describe…

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Cherry Clafoutis

Landmine Pie. That is what my lovely fiance named this dessert that I slaved over for hours in the kitchen (okay, so maybe it was actually an incredibly easy dessert that took less than 30 minutes, but that is absolutely not the point.) I will be calling it by its real name, Cherry Clafoutis not Landmine Pie. Why Landmine Pie you ask? Please read on. While it seems like desserts…

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